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Fall 2024 Recruitment

Registration for Fall 2024 recruitment is open. Please reach out to Sofia Egol at and/or if you have any questions about recruitment.

Upcoming Recruitment Events

Information Session I: Monday, September 9, 5pm-6pm, MVR 1557

Business Fraternity Overview: Monday, September 9, 6-8pm, Hollister B14

Meet the Brothers II:  Tuesday, September 10, 5:30-6:30pm, Temple of Zeus

Information Session II & Resume Review:  Thursday, September 12, 5:30-6:30pm, PLS 404

Coffee Chats Close and Resume Drop Deadline:  Saturday, September 14 @ 11:59pm


Round 1:  Monday, September 16

Round 2:  Tuesday, September 17

Round 3:  Wednesday, September 18

Frequently Asked Questions

What year do I have to be to join?

We welcome freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

We recommend at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA from all applicants.

Is there a GPA requirement?

Can I join PSE if I am also in a social fraternity or sorority?

Yes, you can join PSE before or after joining a social fraternity or sorority.

Do I have to be a certain major or in a specific undergraduate college?

We welcome and encourage students from all undergraduate colleges, majors, and minors to apply. We pride ourselves on our uniquely eclectic and diverse student group and want to continue that theme. There are current brothers within each college at Cornell.

Do I have to attend an information session in order to apply?

It is not required to have attended an information session in order to register for recruitment; however, attendance is highly encouraged as these sessions are an opportunity to learn important information about the fraternity as well as meet the brotherhood.

How many new members do you recruit each semester? Is there a certain quota?

We do not have a specific quota. However, for the Fall 2024 pledge class, we anticipate accepting between 10-15 new members.

What is the recruitment process?

We hold recruitment at the beginning of the fall and spring semester, beginning with an information session. Attending this information session is strongly encouraged as it is a chance to learn about the organization and meet our brothers in a non-evaluative setting. Our first round of interviews consists of short interviews with multiple brothers. Our second and social round is invite only and allows you a chance to get to know our brotherhood in a more casual setting. Our final round of interviews consists of a case study presented to a panel of brothers along with a professional interview.  As a candidate, you will be notified of your status after each interview round.

A Letter From Our New Member Educators
Saisha Puri
Sofia Parekh

As our president, Julie, mentioned in her letter, Pi Sigma Epsilon provides a unique way for undergraduate students to further explore and develop their professional skills and interests. In addition to the benefits and connections gained through being an active brother, one of the most valuable experiences of belonging to Pi Sigma Epsilon is the semester of new member education.


Each semester, we look to accept 12-14 new members who have demonstrated their interest in business and development during our three-round recruitment process. Once we select our pledge class, we, your new member educators, will meet with you to learn more about your strengths and possible career interests. From there, we will tailor a professional development curriculum for each new member. Highlights include improving your ability to construct an effective resume and cover letter, teaching you professional etiquette and networking abilities, and developing your presentation skills and critical thinking abilities through case studies and other applicable assignments and projects. Throughout the new member education process, our ultimate goal and continuous priority will be to prepare you for future interviews and career endeavors.


The new member education process will help you to gain further exposure in a diverse set of industries such as (but not limited to) consulting, human capital management, investment banking, marketing, and real estate, and business analytics. Pi Sigma Epsilon is unique in that our new member education encourages you to shape your industry exposure according to your interests, while we help to facilitate your learning and focus on your development. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you will establish a network of friends at Cornell that will extend far beyond your years as an undergraduate.


Please reach out to either of us with any questions you might have—we hope you consider joining our brotherhood!



Saisha and Sofia

Learn more about formal recruitment here.

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This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

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